

After working in the field of somatic psychotherapy for almost 25 years, EMBODY creator Meg Tinsley felt pulled to engage with more people than she could possibly serve in one-on-one therapy and so created a course centered on helping women become safely and wisely embodied. There are plenty of exercises in books and online that will evoke and stimulate energy centers, sensations, even spiritual realms, But in her psychotherapy practice, Meg found that many of the women she worked with became agitated or threatened if she asked the simple question, "what are you sensing in your body?"

Why are we so afraid to live with awareness inside the body we are already in?

The EMBODY course gently but profoundly guides women back home, at their own pace, in their own time, with enough guidance and contact to feel held, but with plenty of elbow room for their unique journeys and explorations.

For more of Meg’s story, sign up for the EMBODY newsletter.

Meg Tinsley received a Masters in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in 1998 and began a somatic psychotherapy practice soon after. She trained at the McKinnon School of Massage in Oakland as well as the Upledger Institute for cranial sacral therapy, after which time she was a massage therapist for over ten years. Meg completed a summer and year long intensive with the Authentic Movement Institute in Berkeley learning a dance/movement/expressive art therapy. She has a background in free-form dance and contact improvisation, and maintains a gentle but consistent meditation and yoga practice. Her spiritual influences and practices are varied and eclectic.